Optimizing Your Twitter Account

 The first part of Twitter marketing involves getting your

Twitter account fully optimized. This produces great layout
that people can identify 
when they first see your Twitter page.
You can even use this to let people know who you are when
leaving tweets on other feeds. The image profile and name
should be displayed on anything 
you post. Other details on
your profile maalso appear when someone moves mouse
cursor over 
your profile picture.

Get Your Account Ready

Prepare an account or handle that fits your needs.
To get 
your handle ready:
1. When signing up for Twitter, enter your full name,
email address, and password.
2. Enter your mobile number if applicable.
3. Enter 
your user name. This is the main Twitter handle
that identifies 
you. This can be changed later.
4. List 
your interests. Choose categories and items that
relate to 
your business.
If you are running a bookstore, click the Arts and Culture
option, and select Literature. For an auto body 
shop, click
Lifestyle and then go for Car Culture. Entering these specifics
helps to make 
your Twitter posts more relevant to people who
share those interests. This allows your Twitter feed to be easy
spot on other feeds.
5. You can choose to select people who have interests
similar to 
yours. You could add credibility to your
handle if you have a few people to follow from the start.
Your account should be ready to utilize at this point. Now 
can use Twitter to promote your business. 

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